La amenaza de McGregor tras su polémica pelea con Khabib: "Los voy a destrozar a todos"

Conor McGregor entrenando.
Conor McGregor entrenando.
Conor McGregor entrenando.

Conor McGregor tiene aún en mente su pelea con Khabib, en la que el luchador irlandés fue arrasado por el ruso. Desde entonces, planea su venganza y ahora, a través de su cuenta de Instagram, ha dado detalles de cómo piensa acometerla.

McGregor se lamenta de no ser capaz en aquel combate de dar todo lo que se esperaba de él: "Por alguna razón me centré solo en la defensa. Me entrené para evitar. No fui fiel a mis condiciones ofensivas y me convertí en un extraño", dijo.

Y va más allá con sus lamentos: "Puedo sacar un caballo muerto de una zanja agarrándole por la cabeza... ¿Por qué no le arranqué el cuello?, analiza 'The Notorius'.

Tras repasar todo lo que salió mal en aquella pelea, tiene clara su venganza: "No voy a volver a cometer el mismo error y, literalmente, voy a destrozarlos a todos. Uno por uno", amenazó.

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My attacking game is still catching up as you can see here. Loose arm drags and over eagerly jumping to hooks and losing position. But I am gaining good traction again. My passing and my overall forward pressure is building nicely. I will keep building. For I am a brick wall. Before I went into my last camp I was doing extensive work in the gi and my attacking game was developing really well. My submissions were becoming a lot more frequent. I was supremely confident in my attacking. I could spend full rounds attached to the back. Through all ranges. Snatching the neck. Breaking posture. Generally mauling anything I touched. For some reason though, I went into camp and focused solely on defense. I trained to disengage. To Anti grapple. To Avoid. I disrespected my own attacking game and became a stranger to it. I allowed outside influence filter into my own thinking. I can pull a dead horse out of a ditch if I latch around it’s head why would I not snatch up the neck? Why would I disengage? Why would I avoid anything? I don’t know what I was thinking back then. But I am thinking clear now. I will not make that mistake again. I am going to literally tear these men apart now. Watch me. One by fucking one.

Una publicación compartida por Conor McGregor Official (@thenotoriousmma) el26 de Feb de 2019 a las 2:10 PST

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