Hamilton aplaude el derribo de estatuas de racistas: "¿Cuál es la siguiente?"

Lewis Hamilton, hexacampeón del mundo de Fórmula 1 y activista medioambiental.
Lewis Hamilton
Mercedes AMG F1
Lewis Hamilton, hexacampeón del mundo de Fórmula 1 y activista medioambiental.

Lewis Hamilton sigue al día todo el movimiento mundial que ha provocado la muerte de George Floyd. Las protestas contra el racismo que se iniciaron en Estados Unidos se han propagado por todos los países, incluido su Reino Unido.

Una de las imágenes más impactantes que dejó el fin de semana fue el derribo de una conocida estatua en Bristol, la de Edward Colston. Comerciante y diputado conservador del siglo XVIII, su efigie acabó en el río después de que las protestas se lo llevaran por delante, ya que su riqueza se basó en el tráfico de esclavos desde África.

Hamilton, como descendiente de negros que acabaron en el Caribe, se alegró profundamente al ver la imagen, como ha compartido en sus stories de instagram.

"¡La estatua del traficante de esclavos Edward Colston ha sido derribada! ¡Nuestro país honraba a un hombre que vendía esclavos africanos! Todas las estatuas de racistas que hicieron dinero vendiendo a un humano deberían ser destrozadas. ¿Cuál es la siguiente?", ha escrito en un post, mientras que en el siguiente reta a los gobiernos a la retirada "de forma pacífica de estos símbolos racistas".

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Slave trade statue pulled down in Bristol! Ok got your attention! After watching this go to my story and listen to me break down ignorance on Twitter. Also click that follow button please to stay up to date with my news reports and see my blm report Edward Colston statue pulled down during anti-racism protests in Bristol, UK. Protesters at a anti-racism/Black Lives Matter march have pulled down a statue of a 17th century slave trader in Bristol, who has numerous landmarks named after him in the city Do you think more historical statues should be torn down? Antoine's point: Imagine you live in a place where every day you have to walk past a statue glorifying someone that might have owned your family. Every day people ignore it. Every day you know that person is idolised enough where you live to be enshrined in stone. Psychologically that can impact how much you believe said place values you and your feelings/people. Now imagine they destroy that statue. You feel like everyone has come together to support you. You would feel good right? Excited about the future? But let's look forward to a week, month or year from now. Imagine life goes back to normal, the same people that held their purse tight when you walked past them, are still holding their purses. The same people who posted black squares have forgotten the institutional racism that they were jumping up and down on- they've gone back gas lighting your statements on racism. What would you feel? You would feel betrayed and abandoned. You might even think you would rather stone dead statue was still there to remind you racism wasn't over. Rather than giving you false hope. In short, don't abandoning your black friends and their hope for change when it is no longer a trending topic. This atmosphere of change is like a drug- if there is no high at the end people are going to have strong withdrawal symptoms. Hope is the medication to numb the pain of racism but the cure is actionable change! Be the change you want to see. Tag your friend and tell them to follow me. If you want change you need to support people by spreading the news you want to see more of. #slavery #blm #bristol #edwardcolston #ukprotests

Una publicación compartida de Antoine Allen (@antoinespeaker) el

Post de Hamilton en instagram sobre el derribo de la estatua de Edward Colston.
Post de Hamilton sobre el derribo de la estatua de Edward Colston.
IG @lewishamilton
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